August 26, 2020

Are you thinking about installing a new furnace or water heater in your home? You may be wondering about the benefits of choosing propane or electricity for your heating system.

While all types of systems have pros and cons, there are some key reasons why propane is trusted by homeowners across Ontario to meet their home heating needs.

Here, we’ll review some of the advantages and disadvantages of electric and propane heating options for your home. We also discuss how affordable, energy-efficient, and environmentally-friendly each system is. Please leave a comment below if you’d like to learn more!

Heating with Electricity

Electric furnaces and water heaters are common heating options that you will find in many homes across Ontario. Most of these heating systems will convert electricity directly into heat, although there are also hybrid models available.

Due to its popularity, electric heating is relatively inexpensive to install in your home. However, electric furnaces tend to have higher fuel costs than other types of furnaces and often require regular maintenance. These two factors combine to make electric furnaces one of the more expensive heating systems in the long-term.

Heating with Propane

Propane furnaces are emerging as an alternative to electric ones. There are a number of advantages over electric options and it is a great choice for environmentally-conscious homeowners.

Propane is a green, clean-burning fuel with better energy efficiency than other fuel sources. The switch to propane requires more upfront costs, but the long-term benefit will be greater cost savings for heating your home. You can even take advantage of Primemax Energy’s fixed pricing program.

In addition, propane is a very safe fuel source for residential use. Propane is typically stored in tanks outside your home, which means that you don’t have to worry about leaks inside. Propane leaks, though very uncommon, are easy to detect by smell and will not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment.

Most importantly, propane is a versatile fuel source. In addition to heating your home, propane can be used for your stove, your fireplaces, your pool, and even running your backup generators. If you live in a rural area, where you may be concerned about losing power, propane is a great solution for emergency situations.

Our Choice: Propane Heating

There are many great reasons to select propane for your home. From the long-term affordability of this fuel source to its versatility and its low environmental impact, the answer should be clear for every homeowner.

Contact our team to learn more about making the switch to propane for your home today.

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