July 14, 2022

You’ve bought a new home – congratulations! The house already uses propane but you’ve never used it for your home before? Don’t worry – here’s a list of helpful questions to ask to prepare yourself for moving in.

  1. What appliances in the house use propane?

This is important because the amount of propane used will determine how big the tank should be and how often it will need to be refilled. The more appliances that use propane, the more propane you will use, and the more often you will need to refill the tank. You may also want to get an idea of the number of people in the home, as this affects how often appliances are used, and therefore how much propane is needed.

  1. Is the tank owned or rented?

Renting from a fuel company cuts maintenance costs significantly, and many fuel companies are happy to switch the rental over to the new owners of a property, so it is an easy option. But the tank may have been bought outright, which could increase the asking price for the home, and require you to maintain the tank. This option does, however, give you more freedom in long-term decisions about fuel use in your home.

  1. How big is the tank?

Tanks range in size, so you’ll need to consider how many appliances are connected, how many people live in the house, and how often you plan to refill the tank. It’s important to know how big the tank is and how often they currently fill it, so you can get a good idea of what your fuel costs will be as well.

  1. Where is the tank located?

If you can’t see it right away, you should always ask where the tank is located. Most rented tanks are placed above ground, for ease of access and service. However, tanks can also be stored underground to make the yard more aesthetically pleasing.  You will need to know where the tank is to check propane levels, have deliveries completed, check for any damage, etc periodically.

  1. Can you provide maintenance records?

The owners should be able to provide records of maintenance completed by a fuel company to ensure that the tank is functioning properly and has been properly maintained throughout its life. You will want to ensure the tank has been serviced regularly so there won’t be problems later on.

  1. How efficient is the system?

You’ll want to know what you’re getting into, especially if you’ve never dealt with propane heating before. An inefficient system could be expensive for you, so it is important to know if there are significant changes needed to bridge that gap, or if the system is already running well.

Regardless of the answers, the knowledge you gain from asking the questions will help you make informed decisions and keep you from making costly mistakes.

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